all postcodes in OX25 / BICESTER

find any address or company within the OX25 postcode district

Postcode Area

OX / Oxford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
OX25 6HL 1 1 51.954879 -1.309366
OX25 6HP 8 1 51.957773 -1.306018
OX25 6HR 6 0 51.956312 -1.30687
OX25 6HS 4 0 51.956624 -1.307826
OX25 6HT 4 0 51.956941 -1.306744
OX25 6HU 4 0 51.956285 -1.308398
OX25 6HX 26 1 51.957425 -1.307898
OX25 6AA 12 0 51.956566 -1.302559
OX25 6HY 1 0 51.959896 -1.298621
OX25 6HZ 2 0 51.958134 -1.283715
OX25 6JA 3 0 51.956412 -1.296359
OX25 6JB 3 0 51.954191 -1.317743
OX25 6JD 4 0 51.96028 -1.319601
OX25 6JE 5 0 51.960411 -1.318944
OX25 6JF 2 0 51.953798 -1.332255
OX25 6JG 11 1 51.953298 -1.332876
OX25 6JH 27 0 51.954704 -1.333495
OX25 6JJ 2 0 51.962696 -1.333346
OX25 6JL 18 0 51.952733 -1.334672
OX25 6JN 20 1 51.95122 -1.335948